Entrevista: Dr. Sharon Keefe Ugalde (Texas State University)

Tell us about you research broadly. What areas do you study? 0:00 – 3:00

What attracted to you about peninsular Spanish? How everything started? 3:00 – 4:00

At 4pm you are giving a talk on “A new look for Ofelia in Spain on stage and in the visual arts”. Who is Ofelia? Why do we need to know her? 4:00 – 6:30

What does Ofelia have to do with Spanish Literature? 6:30 – 10:15

Can Ofelia’s symbolism be found before the 18th century? 10:15 – 11:30

Have you seen an evolution of “Ofelia”, from the 18th century to today? Could you give us a few names of these poets that nowadays are using Ofelia as a symbol of agency? 11:30 – 14:50

Ofelia in other genres- 14:50 – 17:00

Ofelia in the visual arts and new media 17:00 – 19:40

As we can see in your CV teaching is a very important thing to you, what can we do to improve the enrolment in humanities, what are we doing right, what are we doing wrong? 19:40 – 22:40

MLA and problems with Academia, to what can graduate students anchor if conferences, enrolment… are failing? What should be our motivation? New days for Humanities 22:40 – 31:40

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